Game On
Do you like playing games? Will for me I do not. (NO) But people play games for a living... They also create games, too. The entertainment industry is about as hot they become. The total industry sales for 2007 are estimated at between 16-17 million dollars. (That is just in the United States)
Here More Game Players = More Creators
The lots and lots of people play video games and computer games. The average age of gamers in the U.S is 33 years old. There are more adult woman gamers then boy gamers. The boy gamers are younger than 17 years old. Today’s most popular 3-D games are created by small armies of artists, animators, game designers, computer programmers, and many others. These people often work on months of years on a single game.
Major in Video Games!
Colleges and Universities (now in days) offer degrees in game development. But Video Games in not hardly fun and games. A game development major is probably one of the most challenging degrees that you can get. Programming requires advanced technical skills. Those skills can lead to some of the best-paid positions in the field for collage graduates. The starting salaries are as high as 65,000 dollars per year (that is high)
Find Your Game
Video game companies put together development teams of up to 150 people to create one single game. The Artist, the game designers, the programmers, and other works get together to create a final production.
Growing Gamers Universe
Some of the reasons that games are on the rise.
Lifelong gamers the average age of gamers is 33 years old.
Gamer parents are raising gamer kids 80 percent of gamer parents play with their kids.
People in more age groups are taking up gaming young woman, retirees, and MOMS
New formats and types of games attract more gamers Guitar Hero, Wii, dance and fitness fames, brain games, educational and instructional games.

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