Wednesday, October 29, 2008

A Growing Field

A Growing Field
This article is about a farmer John Christian. For a farmer he gets up late, he startes his day at 7 a.m. During this time he startes his greenhouse, lets out the chickens, and water the plants. His farm holds four and a half acres in Canterbury,Conn. His land has trees,circles his farm is a old stone wall, it also has a pond and two springs that provide water for the plants and the farmhouse. Having a small farm can make $15,603.
Opportunity for Growth
Farming is a family business in this generation. In 2006, there were about 1.3 million farmers, and it adds it up wiith ranchers. There are lots of land that goes to these farmers(1,247 to 488,340 acres)....

Getting the Lay of the Land
Being a farmer take up lots of time, but as you get use to it is easy... In todays generation Michigan State University has a 1 year organic farming certificate program it offers courses in soil and crop management, farming planning, and marketing. With this school they give hands on experience on its 10 arce organic farm.
A New Row to Hoe
The only way that you know that farming is for you is to try it out of a couple of days. You can learn many new things by trying something new. But people say that farming is not for everybody.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Caring For the Big Guys

Caring for the Big GuysWorking as a veterinarians you care for animals. Caring for animals is like caring for your loving children... You have to feed them, wash them, and love for them... But working as a veterinarian you work with daily appointments with the animals, some spent there time treating animals at the farms which allows them to drive or be out on the road. The care for the animals is vaccinating livestock, they as treat wounds,diagnose disease, treat sick animals, and help with the difficult births...
All in a Day's Work
Some veterinarians work up to 50 to 60 hours a week.( thats lots of hour to work)..But sometimes up to 100 hour a week when you first start the career... Being out on the field you have to be careful because many animals are not use to being area people... Like for Horses for example you have to make sure you don't get the horse mad because they can kick you. They can kick hard...
Out-of-the-Ordinary Patients
Many animals are being treated today... Like cattles,pigs, sheeps,Llamas, and goats is the business for a large animal veterinary practice.( but this is not surprising). Many of these huge animals need care, too...

In Demand,but Competitive
In the whole country veterinary school is about to be a dozen (12). When people apply to the school the are 1,000 applicants for only 70 slots... Once you are admitted to the school you study for four years to earn your doctor of verterinary medicine degree. The average of graduate in the veterinary school is about 2,700 each year.

Monday, October 27, 2008


E-MAIL is an excellence device we have to this day. e-mail is faster then regualar mailing. mailing has to take about 1 to 3 day to get to where you need it to go. But e-mail has it there in a blink of an eye. Today students use e-mail on there daily basis.

TO CREATE EFFECTIVE E-MAIL, there are eight tips to get going....

1. Put you bottom line in the subject line.

2.Lead with the most important information.

3.Choose your content and tone carefully.

4.Treat yoour e-mail like and English paper.


6.Add a signature to your messages.

7.Respond quickly to others' e-mail.

8.cover one topic per e-mail.

Navigating the College Fair!

Navigating the College Fair

College choice very hard… There are lots of colleges to go to. But making it simple is easy. Just show your face at a College Fair. This College Fairs are for you to get your choices right. A college fair is where you can get your answers for your questions. The colleges can also give you information about the school.

Know Before You go

There may be hundreds or thousand of colleges at the fair. Before going to the fair know what booths you should go to, and you show interest in. So you know what kinds of questions you can ask.

Questions and answers

As you move though the college fair make surer that you have all the answer that you need from the college. BUT MAKE SURE YOU ARE NOT SHY ON ASKING THE QUESTION. You have to be open minded on these question that you have for the person to aswer for you. You can also sit there with each of the representative and ask individual answers.

Make Contact

Many colleges represenative would maybe ask for you to fill out a contact card so they can sent you more information on the program that you may be interested in. By going to booth to booth the representative would have you fill out one. SO BE PREPARED! This contact information card would haave your name, address, e-mail address, phone number, a grade- point average, and many major that you are interested in, and also when you are graduating.

Take Your Pick

Now thoughout the visits you have made at the fair you would be able to have a good idea of which college you like and even the few you would like to apply to.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Top Floor, Please!

This article is about a ladie named Debbie Grant. She did not know what to do after high school and after college. She heard some news from her close friend that told her about a job... So she met with the director of the sales and catering at the hotel . All the job basily was about was to book meetings and banquets. But she told the director that she did not know how to do this job. But the director commoned" it is like taking care of a visitor that cames to your house." So she decided to try out the job.. And she liked it... Then she became the hotels manager of the InterContinertal Buckhead Atlanta, a four-star hotel... After 2 months later is got promoted agian to become the regional director of the sales and marketing. She did this all without a collage degree...

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Face Off!

Face Off
Two Candidates. Three Big Issues.

Two weeks from now(October 23, 2008) People would be voting for the next U.S. Presidents against Republican John McCain and Democrat Barack Obama. Voters have many questions in there minds on who to vote for. They are asking themselves on who can we trust to run the country for four years. Besides that the U.S republic has many problems. They have problems with the banks and businesses they are running out of money… The U.S troops are fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan for what I don’t know… Even the gas is going up, people are wondering how they can put in there gas to go to work and back home. We would all know as soooo as the new U.S President is voted? Right….

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Future Fibers

Future Fibers

This article is about fiber, the texture of the fabrics makes weatherproof clothing, bed sheets, and upholstery. To this day clothes are getting more high tech. As for example the companies make clothes such as light weight fleece jackets.

Studying the Tiniest Fibers
Studying the tiniest fiber will lead you to study the chemicals that make up the fiber. Wendy Krause is a professor at North Carolina State University’s College of Textiles. She has been working on studying on a thin molecule that are called polymers. ”They’re shaped a lot like spaghetti” Wendy explains. The tiniest fiber that is out there that Wendy discovered are called nanofibers. This fiber is ten times smaller than a human hair.

Building Better Textiles
Chunk Haryslak is a textile at Polartec in Lawrence. He helps his workers repair sewage pipes without digging them out. “You have a hole, and you don’t want to replace the whole pipe”, he says “you can put something in there that can create a tube and then harden.” He also works on the fabric that goes on your clothes.

Space-Age Fabrics
Thad Fredrickson at ILC Dover in Frederica, Del works in an important job to as a Polymer. The workers on a group of chemists, chemical engineers and textiles engineers which are product for the NASA and the U.S department of defense.

High-Tech Textiles= Advanced Materials
The high-tech textile requires many skills in engineering and able to know the art of chemistry. These people that in the field often have to study several different subjects.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008



This article is about different kinds of pilots they have in the U.S Navy. These pilots are paid for the adventures they undertake in their daily work. There are many types of pilots. As for example there are pilots that fly passengers to another country or across the world. Other pilots fly for the military. Some other pilot cargo planes, they carry packages across the world at anytime of the day.

From Student to Teacher
Flight School Owner/ Flight Instructor
This part of the article tells us on how Barrington Irving starts dreaming of becoming a pilot. Barrington did not know what to do about his career. He did not think much about it. One day he was working, when he saw Capt. Gary Robinson who worked for the United Airlines. Barrington and Gary began talking to each other. After talking to Gary Barrington now know what to do for his career, He wanted to become a pilot. As for his dream Barrington started to start his dream. So he became a pilot.

Testing, Testing
Test pilots
The pilot’s tester Heather Ross was one of the first to pilot the new Boeing 787 Dreamliner is designed to carry between 210 and 330 passengers. “My pilot job is unique in the world of piloting careers,” says Heather. “Most pilots train [on] and fly only one model of airplane at a time, but a Boeing test pilot trains and flies many or all the Boeing airplane models.” In this process Heather has to test everything (depending on the system that is being tested).

Flying to Your Destination
Commercial Airline Pilot
Prince Gillenwater, who was 11 years old, he played in the outfields on his Little League team. He was not watching the ball, but he was studying the planes overhead. When he got older he realized he career was not becoming a flyer, but to be in the medical fWhen he tried to get into the medical field he did not get in. So he join the U.S Navy and became a pilot. “Other medical jobs didn’t interest me,” says Prince.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Prescription For Success

There’s more to a pharmacist’s job than just counting pills.
Pharmacists work in many different settings. There is some in drugstores. They mix and dispense medications and make sure people understand how to take them properly... Other pharmacists conduct research work in clinical settings like hospitals consult for insurance companies and pharmaceutical manufactures and attend to homebound patients.

Asking Catherine Newkirk questions

1.) Career world: Why did you decide to become a pharmacist?
Catherine Newkink answer: I grew up in an area that was mostly (poor). I saw how my neighborhood pharmacy helped people and knew that was what I wanted to do. I didn’t hear about the profession from my school counselors or teachers or anyone at school. I wish more schools would talk to kids about a pharmaceutical career.
2.) What kind of education does a pharmacist need?
I worked my way through the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. The program was five years but now universities offer a degree know as Pharm.D.

This is 2 questions that Career World had asked Catherine Newkirk who is a pharmacist.

Game On

Game On
Do you like playing games? Will for me I do not. (NO) But people play games for a living... They also create games, too. The entertainment industry is about as hot they become. The total industry sales for 2007 are estimated at between 16-17 million dollars. (That is just in the United States)

Here More Game Players = More Creators
The lots and lots of people play video games and computer games. The average age of gamers in the U.S is 33 years old. There are more adult woman gamers then boy gamers. The boy gamers are younger than 17 years old. Today’s most popular 3-D games are created by small armies of artists, animators, game designers, computer programmers, and many others. These people often work on months of years on a single game.

Major in Video Games!
Colleges and Universities (now in days) offer degrees in game development. But Video Games in not hardly fun and games. A game development major is probably one of the most challenging degrees that you can get. Programming requires advanced technical skills. Those skills can lead to some of the best-paid positions in the field for collage graduates. The starting salaries are as high as 65,000 dollars per year (that is high)

Find Your Game
Video game companies put together development teams of up to 150 people to create one single game. The Artist, the game designers, the programmers, and other works get together to create a final production.

Growing Gamers Universe
Some of the reasons that games are on the rise.

Lifelong gamers
the average age of gamers is 33 years old.
Gamer parents are raising gamer kids 80 percent of gamer parents play with their kids.
People in more age groups are taking up gaming young woman, retirees, and MOMS
New formats and types of games attract more gamers Guitar Hero, Wii, dance and fitness fames, brain games, educational and instructional games.

Thursday, October 16, 2008


Gobs of Green Jobs
Global warming…
Endangered species, It is the loss of the rain forest. We hear lots about the problems facing the planet. It is often hard to know how to help. In 2005, 1.6 million people worked in environmental jobs ( which does not include the farmers).
Many green jobs involve managing limited resources, including the air, water, land, and creatures that live on the planet Earth. Water resources managers, for example, make safe water available. The supervise water treatment plants and come up with effective ways to get the water to communities. Foresters manage the way to get the people use forests, so that trees can be harvested to produce paper and wood products in a sustainable way. Environmental protection technicians test water, air, and soil for contaminants to keep people and wildlife safe from toxins. Recycling specialist find safe, environmentally healty ways to dispose of the waste people create. Park rangers work to maintain healthy habitats in parks or nature preserves. Conservation biologists use science to understand and prevent the threats faced by wild species and their habitats.

Most scientists and environmentalists believe that the biggest threat to the planet is climate change. The energy to run most cars, homes, and businesses come from burning fossil fuels, such as oil and natural gas. Alternative energy specialists, for example, are needed to design energy sources, such as solar and wind power generators, which provide energy without spewing greenhouses gases. Other engineers are working to design cars and trucks with lower greenhouse gas emission. Green architects design homes and buildings that create less pollution and use fewer resources, such as electricity.